Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fire Proof Your Marriage- a fad or for life?

Last night some lady friends of mine got together and cried through, I mean watched (I was the only who cried I think) Fire Proof. I have heard so many wonderful things about this movie and after watching it I can see why, however there are a couple of twists that I want to add to it.

The movie as a whole was great with obviously a message that husbands and wives need to hear these days. I loved that they did put so much emphasis on the fact that change needed to happen. One or the other of them couldn't just buy the flowers, do the dishes, make dinner, run errands to help the other one out, call just to see how your favorite person is doing, etc. and the marriage miraculously heals itself. There is definitely a change in the heart that has to take place for all that to actually come together and be worth the effort. It's not the acts that do the healing but our Father in heaven, and the movie did a great job at bringing that out. But because the husband did so many acts to win his wife back over, how many people are going to think that that is all it's going to take? The problem I have with this movie is that it will become a fad to do all these things, but the real issue won't be taken care of. The real issue of the heart.

Most of you know that Jonathon and I went through a similar situation as the couple in the movie, however, it was a little worse with different circumstances. So, when I type these things out and think back over the movie and back over our actual experience of marriage, I realize that so much has to be done in the heart for the real change to take place. It can't just be acts. Now, once the heart is changed and gotten right, then if the acts don't come, how will it still continue to be a good marriage if the two are not working together to serve and love each other? There is a book called the Five Love Languages that helped us immensely in seeing that we don't even love each other the same or have the same needs when it comes to how we feel loved by the other. This helped us to see that we needed to seek after and study (like the movie talks about) what the other sees as loving and act in that way.

This brings me to the second point that I really love about this movie. When the dad is talking to his son about that change of heart needing to be God, and that's the only way his acts will be truly meaningful to his wife, I found a correlation to the Bible and how we are to live in that marriage relationship with God. The dad talked of how God has higher standards than we have or could ever comprehend. And then he brought up the fact that we shouldn't break His commandments. Great point!..because obeying those commandments are the acts that God feels loved by. John 14:21 says "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him". We have the heart change in realizing that we need Him, and then by our acts and obedience to what He says we should do, He sees that we love Him. Another thing, during that talk between the dad and his son, was the dad mentioning that it's not how we see it, but how God sees it that matters. Caleb thought he was okay because he was a good person, but clearly that isn't enough. There are many things that we do that I'm afraid we don't really step back and look at it as God would see it. How about His commandments for instance? Do we truly keep and obey all of them? One that we struggled with was keeping the Sabbath day holy. Were we keeping HIS Sabbath day,which is Friday evening to Saturday evening, or the sabbath day of the world which says it's Sunday? It's not how we see it, but how He sees it and how His Word clearly lays it out for us. What about traditional holidays that are steeped and rooted in pagan worship? Does He glory in those things that we claim are "christian" or in the feasts that He has clearly layed out for us in His Word?

So, my challenge after watching this great movie is to truly look at your heart. Is it where it needs to be first of all with God, the Creator of all things, are you acting in love to the Creator in the way that He says in the Scriptures to love Him, and are you looking at things from the way you see them or from the way He sees them? When we surrender ourselves and our agendas to Him and allow Him to be the work in us, then all of our relationships will line up and our steps will be more peaceful. That peace only comes from Him and obeying all that He desires of us to obey.

For those of you with rocky marriages, keep pressing on, don't give up, and do what it takes in your heart to truly get the long lasting affects of a wonderful marriage.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Reader Comments

So, we were up tonight, waiting for the fire that Jonathon fixed to get hot enough that we could shut it down, and we were checking out to see how many views we have had to our profile. Wow! I think we have a lot of people checking out our blog, but no comments. So, either A) the people who read it don't have a blogger account and think that they can't comment, or B) people just want the scoop on our family and want to remain annonymous, or C) people think that our posts are dumb and have nothing to say about them. Which one are you? A, B, or C?

If you are in the "A" group, rest assured you do not need an account to leave a comment. Simply sign your name at the end of your comment, so we know who you are unless you want to remain annonymous.

If you are in the "B" group, well, just keep enjoying the scoop.

Now, for those of you who find yourself in the "C" group, go away. No, just kidding!!! If you have something that you would like to know about our family, let us know. We'll try to fit into our busy schedules a post that will satiate your curiosity.

To the accomplished bloggers out there reading this, if you have information as to how to add a guest book to our blog, we would love to know how to do that and then we could know who is checking up on us without you having to leave a comment.

Have a great night, enjoy the snow that they say is to come, and look forward to next week when it will get warmer. Time to plan the garden!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Casie's Celebration of Motherhood

Today was the long awaited Celebration of Motherhood for Casie Brothers. Long awaited because she has had a rough time of it this pregnancy, and the closer she gets to having her baby, the closer I get to having mine. It was a blessing, and I believe, as usual, all the ladies were blessed by what was shared. Isn't it wonderful to feel the "community feeling" between sisters as we share what the Lord has given us to share with one another. This was a Polka Dot Tea Party complete with tea, polka dots, and sisters.
The picture below is the diaper cake that me and another sister put together for the mom-to-be. We had yummy sweet treats and the cards in the front of the cake were prayer cards. They had different things that we could pray for concerning Casie's pregnancy, labor, delivery, and baby.
And here is the lady we were honoring, Casie Brothers.

Casie brought a picture of her belly with her hands and her husband's hands over her belly in the shape of a heart.

We each wrote on the matting one word to describe the baby. It was extremely neat and Casie wants to put it above the baby's bed. What a special thing to remember her pregnancy by.

We washed her feet and this one is especially nice with it being her mom at her feet.

Bethany gave her a manicure which looked great after she was done

Here is Jennifer Ferris and two of her girls. Jennifer was the one we had the last Celebration for. Amazing how time flies and babies grow.

The two ladies left with bellies. Who is going to be next in line...that is what we are all wondering. So much fun being pregnant together.

The crew left over after the party was done and most everybody was gone. It was another wonderful time of food, fellowship, and blessing sisters. What were we missing out on before when we simply brought gifts and played silly games. There is no better gift than honoring our Father with sharing scripture and edifying one another with His Word. It was wonderful!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Couldn't forget about Josiah's night

We had a fun night too while the guys and gals were out having a grand ole time.

The boys started out reading, playing and then they worked on a dinosaur craft. Well, maybe I should say the moms worked on the dinosaur craft. We did most of the cutting, but it was fun and the boys did the coloring and we even got them to stand up...sorry, no picture.
Then after some movie watching, we made ice cream sundaes. Yummy! With all sorts of toppings we indulged and enjoyed a delicious treat.

Here is Josiah's masterpiece complete with peanut butter topping, strawberry topping, chocolate topping, blue sprinkles, little peanut butter cups, and a crunch chocolate stick.
I think he enjoyed every bite!
While we were still eating our sundaes, the guys got back with the girls. So, they all enjoyed sundaes too. I think the girls got quite the treats that evening. Good fellowship was had by all!

Daddy Daughter Date

Well, the Daddy Daughter Date Night was a success and the little girls (and I do believe their dads too) had a wonderful time together.
Here are all four girls anxiously waiting for their date to start. Alegra, Eliyahna, Diella, and Lilly. Aren't they beautiful!
And the group of the dads and girls. Josh, Lilly, Eliyahna, Phil, Diella, Jonathon, and Alegra. My hubby didn't get any pictures at the restaraunt, but it sounds like they had an experience there with a not so good waitress. But even despite that, they all kept smiling. And onto the dance.....

Does it look like they are having fun? I think so.

They all got little flower crowns and wands, and all sorts of other goodies (flashlights, bandaids, pictures, sachets). They came back with all sorts of fun things.

The dance floor.
Hmmmm, we're not sure about this one. I think the guys felt bad that they weren't the best dressed there, so they wanted a picture with some spiffy guys in their picture. I don't think our girls were very impressed.
They even got to go outside and see the river. It was just the perfect night that they didn't have to worry about wearing their coats. What lovely little ladies.
Here is the Papa with Alegra....

And the Papa with Diella.
I think they had a wonderful night out and probably can't wait for the next one. We'll see when that one is. I think we might end up doing one for our whole fellowship and making it a little more wholesome rather than having the loud music and flashy lights. It seems one of the girls wasn't too interested in all that which is okay. I think for now they better just hold on to the memories of last night. We'll need a break from having a new baby and getting adjusted into the swing of having a little one again. Maybe next fall we can plan something.
But until then....they will just enjoy remembering this night with their dads and friends.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Savings On Eyeglasses...for those inquiring minds

I have had a lot of people bringing up the topic of eyeglasses lately, so I thought I would share the information that I have on how to get cheaper glasses. You can visit a website called Zenni Optical and find a variation of eyeglasses ranging from $8.00 to what you would spend if you were to buy glasses through your eye doctor. We have ordered glasses for my sister-in-law and for my mom through this website and both were very pleased with what they received and they both ordered the $8.00 pair. They do ask for some particular measurements on your face so they can get the size just right for you. Make sure you measure accurately so they are comfortable for you. Also, you can only order glasses through them if you have up to date information on your eyes from an eye doctor with all the numbers for how your eyes are.

It is really quite an easy process and is so much cheaper than buying them anywhere else. Also, check on shipping options because you may have more than one person in your family who needs a pair, and if you order them at the same time, you could save on shipping.

Hope this is helpful to anybody out there needing to save money where they can and not really wanting to spend the ridiculous amounts of money that eye doctors charge. Let me know if you order some and how you like them.

Baby days

Well, it seems it's been a bit since I posted a blog. Hope everyone is enjoying staying up to date with the Bovee Brigade. Tomorrow is the Daddy Daughter Dance, so be sure to check back after tomorrow for cute pics.

Last week, the midwife came for a check up. The baby is laying transverse, which means that the baby is laying straight across my stomach instead of head down or even butt down. With our high hopes of having a peaceful and quiet home birth, this could pose some problems if it doesn't get straightened out before baby decides to come. So, please be in prayer with us that this baby will decide to get his/her head down before the big day. I know there is time yet for this to happen, but just the thought is disconcerning. It will all work out how it is supposed to.

Yesterday we spent the day with some friends helping them get ready to move. After getting directions to their new house, I realized that their house is just down the road from where I grew up as a child. So, our drive over there brought back lots of memories as we drove by the lake we would ride our bikes to and we drove by the pot hole that we built lots of forts in. Everything looks so different from when I was a child, looking at it with such small eyes. But the memories still remain. Today I sent out a couple cards to those people in that neighborhood that we are still in contact with, letting them know of their new neighbors. I hope they take the time to be friendly and stop by for a visit to introduce themselves. That can make a new house feel more like a home when you know your neighbors care.

I better get back at the laundry and dishes and get ready for dinner at some other friend's house this evening. Always something to do. And don't I ever wish the day looked as beautiful as the one below. Looks kind a dirty and blah outside here. I'll be glad to be able to hang laundry outside instead of in the middle of my house in front of the wood stove. Soon and very soon!!!!!!!