Last week, the midwife came for a check up. The baby is laying transverse, which means that the baby is laying straight across my stomach instead of head down or even butt down. With our high hopes of having a peaceful and quiet home birth, this could pose some problems if it doesn't get straightened out before baby decides to come. So, please be in prayer with us that this baby will decide to get his/her head down before the big day. I know there is time yet for this to happen, but just the thought is disconcerning. It will all work out how it is supposed to.
Yesterday we spent the day with some friends helping them get ready to move. After getting directions to their new house, I realized that their house is just down the road from where I grew up as a child. So, our drive over there brought back lots of memories as we drove by the lake we would ride our bikes to and we drove by the pot hole that we built lots of forts in. Everything looks so different from when I was a child, looking at it with such small eyes. But the memories still remain. Today I sent out a couple cards to those people in that neighborhood that we are still in contact with, letting them know of their new neighbors. I hope they take the time to be friendly and stop by for a visit to introduce themselves. That can make a new house feel more like a home when you know your neighbors care.
I better get back at the laundry and dishes and get ready for dinner at some other friend's house this evening. Always something to do. And don't I ever wish the day looked as beautiful as the one below. Looks kind a dirty and blah outside here. I'll be glad to be able to hang laundry outside instead of in the middle of my house in front of the wood stove. Soon and very soon!!!!!!!
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