Well, the midwife was here this week with good news that all is going well. Of course she isn't in my shoes feeling the heart burn, sore back, sore arm (baby must be pinching a nerve that is causing my arm to hurt), big belly, and sleepless nights. But really all we want is a healthy baby, so according to her, we will have that. We are thankful for that for sure!
With 8 weeks to go, I am starting to get things around and think about how we are going to do things with this baby. I would like to do cloth diapers some. I have used cloth diapers before but did the pinning and used rubber pants like in the olden days. Call me old fashioned if you'd like but it worked. However, now I am seeing all these amazing cloth diapers - one size fits all, all in one dealies, bamboo, wool, inserts, snaps, velcro, etc. I am feeling a little overwhelmed at what is out there. And the prices can vary so much!
So here is the call - I need your input on what is good quality, yet still affordable. Any of you mommies out there that have great words of wisdom on this are very much welcome to comment with what you have done and what brands you like and what styles you like best. Pass the word because I need all of your help! If anybody out there makes cloth diapers, and would like to send me one to try out, feel free to do that as well. Simply leave your name and email address or you can personally e-mail me (you'll find my address in my profile). I would be happy to write a blog just for you and do a review of how I like them.
Thanks in advance for everyone's help! Now let the commenting and suggestions begin.....
Here is a quick review: All-in-Ones or covers that you can just lay in a bamboo pre-fold for daytime, and nighttime a bamboo diaper with wool cover! Wool for nighttime is a must! I personally use wool for daytime over my regular bamboo diapers and all-in-ones, just because it is so comfortable. I do use the heavyweight premium bamboo for my diapers. It really does absorb more, and is naturally anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial, a good choice for cloth diaper fabrics. The fitteds designs of today really help to keep the messes contained...they even do a much better job than disposables! Not to mention the good you will be doing your baby and the earth for choosing cloth.
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me to comment, please feel free to check out my shop and convo me with any more in depth questions! www.wooldins.etsy.com Thanks, Carolyn
Wow thanks for asking me to come and comment on cloth diapers. I'll try and keep it short but I'm not promising anything! I've been cloth diapering for almost six years now, and have had 2 in diapers twice (for about 6 months each time). I'm done the whole flat fold & pins and figured that if it had to be like that I wasn't doing it (I was way to scared I would stick my little boy or myself), then I moved onto aio's a big brand name that I kick myself for everyday - Just because they are big enough to be a brand name doesn't mean that their products are good! After about 1 month of using cloth I knew that I needed to do something else, so I formed Wee Ones by JaJoC (www.weeones.biz) and my cloth diapering "adventure" took off full force! In the last five years I've redesigned my entire outlook on cloth and I've definitely got some favorites! My all time favorite is my One Size Organic Bamboo French Terry fitted diaper. I came up with this design when baby boy #3 was 2 weeks old and it fit him and my very chunky 2 year old (with TONS of room to grow). It's nice and trim and gave me the absorbency I needed and the trimness I desired (I was soooo tired of not being able to use the baby clothing that was "suppose" to fit due to the cloth diaper bubble butt that had always been "necessary" due to the absorption of the materials the diapers were made with. Then a few months later a new material hit the "market" called ZORB and it revolutionized how AIO cloth diapers (and fitteds as well) work! They are way more absorbent now and they are a close 2nd in my favorites list. The Hydro Hybrid is so trim and sleek (is that appropriate when talking about diapers??) but best of all unique, the zorbeez aio is truly amazing in the amount it will absorb and not leak! So those would be my personal "know how" picks. You can find them all at: Wee Ones by JaJoC
ReplyDeleteHi, well I happen to be the creator/owner of QTBUNNS. I raised my kids in the store bought cloth diapers. I now have 8 grandchildren and only one of their parents chose to go cloth. My daughter ask me if I could make them so I gave it a shot. Wala,I now have a happy little business (well it's really just me). I decided to go with flannel on the outside of the diaper because it is so soft. I add a terry cloth thick pad and another layer of flannel that touches babys bottom. I put an extra pad with the diaper that attaches with a strip of velcro for easy removal. This pad offers extra protection for day/ night use. My elastic around leg opening is inside the diaper as to not irritate babys skin. Velcro is my choice for closer which allows plenty of adjustment. I serge all around the outside edges and have virtually no whicking problems. I use the 2 mil pul for waterproof protection. I have diapers my granddaughter since her birth and she inspired me to create trainers that I now sell. Thank you for inviting me to your blog. Please check me out on Etsy and Ebay. Shariee
ReplyDeleteI used Bummi Super Whisper Wrap diaper cover and Snugglebottoms diapers. The wrap has velcro and the diaper is form fitted, so no folding (I did the folding and plastic cover with Emma, but stopped when she was too squirmy. I was afraid to stick her with the pins). I used these up until Tessa was almost two when she grew out of the size I had her in. I switched to disposables then, because I knew I would be potty training soon and couldn't justify buying a whole other size. I'm not sure how you feel about using used diapers, but you are welcome to ours.
ReplyDeleteThank you for inviting me to comment on cloth diapering. I could go on and on about the benefits of using cloth compared to disposables, but I will try to keep this short.
ReplyDeleteI cloth diapered my daughter and used many different kinds of diapers. Some I found at thrift stores and I made a few different ones as well. I also did the pinning and nylon or plastic pants. Once my daughter was almost potty trained, I discovered wool covers. They are worth the expense just to have your baby be comfortable with less diaper rashes and less overheating in the summer.
So far I have only tried the cotton diapers. I would love to try the bamboo fabrics as well. Soon hope to have these available in my Etsy shop as well!
I make fitted One Size diapers with either snap or velcro closure. These require a cover, and I do also have hand-knitted wool covers available in my Etsy shop at www.petitekrottcreations.etsy.com
Hi! I am Sharon, the designer of the Cutie-Patootie One Size diaper. I would suggest reading up on the new generation of cloth diapers and joining a yahoo discussion group on cloth diapering. www.diaperjungle.com. is a good source for reviews and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BTLdiapering/ is a lively discussion group.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, cloth diapering has evolved from the pins and plastic pants. Whatever diaper you buy has to work for you and your family. Most diapers are small, med and large. The obvious advantage to a one size diaper is that you will have to buy less diapers and they can be used on children of different sizes if you have more than one child in diapers.
CPOS fit below the belly like hip-huggers. No umbillical scoop cut out needed and no diaper sag. My grandbaby has worn the same diapers from birth to 8 months old. She is using the second largest waist setting with 2 more to go.
I designed the CPOS to be convient as disposables, yet strudy enough to last through a couple of children. Just throw the soiled ones in a dry pail or bag (less germs than a pail full of water) and let the washing machine do all the rinsing work for you. Wash and sanitize on hot, hot, hot!
These are some key things to look for...
All-in-ones that are made of synthetic material to dry quickly. Zorb is an ideal soaker material.
Elastic milled especially for diapers or swimwear.
Hospital grade KNIT PUL outer fabric, for soft breathable waterproof layer.
Pocket diapers or All-in-Two's with snap in soakers for night-time soaking or natural materials that dry slower.
My greatest compliment to date was a customer that said she liked my diapers better than the Bumgenious because it fits better!
Hope that helps
I know that's all that Jennie uses for Atreyu...They are so cute! Looks like it would be more convienient than the old ones you used with the pins...& a little safer!
ReplyDeleteI used cloth diapers on all 3 of my children. LOVED IT! I did use a diaper service....because we were living in an apartment....and had to pay for using the washer and dryer. The diapers were great...and the covers....had velcro on them. One one or two accidents....when baby had a massive "explosion"! I used cloth 11-15 years ago....I'm sure that they have come a long way since then.