Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nature Study Time

Nature Study
This year we are doing some things a little different in school. Diella is much more into art and learns a lot differently than Alegra. So, we are doing some nature study. Yesterday we went to Maple Wood Nature Center to hear the meteorologist from WNDU talk about the weather. It was a little more than the children could understand, but I enjoyed it and it is good for them to have to sit and listen to an adult speak. After that we stuck around the nature center and learned about foxes. We brought a book with us and our writing paper. The nature center has a stuffed fox, so the children drew a picture of that (they did a mighty fine job too), then we read about foxes. watched a video that the naturalist, Scott Beam had recorded of two fox pups in Maple Woods, and then Alegra's reading book for that day was about a fox. It was fun and relaxing and a different setting for school.

Today, though after work was done, I sent them out to find something they wanted to draw. The girls both chose this lovely marigold in the garden. They took their clipboards and set out to drawing. The sun was quite bright as you can tell from Diella's shield, but the day has been just beautiful to not be outside.

Here is Diella working diligently on her drawing.

Josiah also wanted to be out there but he didn't want to draw. So, he got his little shovel and worked in the garden. Not sure that his "work" is always helpful, but he sure loves digging in the dirt.
We do enjoy the outdoors and all that it has to teach us and feed us. :) Well, I am off to give a massage while Jonathon plays ball with the children. Trying to enjoy and take advantage of this weather while we can. Soon we will be building fires and drinking hot cocoa. I do love that too, but prefer the cool breezes and warm sun.

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