Monday, October 12, 2009
Story Time
I am finding more and more that it is truly a blessing to teach children when they are young to enjoy books. We had an appointment a couple weeks ago trying to get things cleared up with my hospital bills and had to sit in a very small cubicle to talk with a lady. We had all 4 children with us and the lady had a treasure basket in the only empty corner of the sitting area. It was a plain basket but it was filled with books! They crawled under our chairs and each sat on the floor looking through this basket of books. What a blessing to have children that don't need all the bells and whistles in toys but can sit quietly and enjoy a book. The lady was quite surprised and said usually the children are trying to get free from the cubicle. We know we are blessed with our children and are so thankful.
This night we sat down to read The Little Engine That Could (even Benaiah enjoyed it). We are studying transportation in school right now, so it went along with it. Today we made some train cars to put their beannie babies in like in the book. It will make its grand appearance at the grandparent's party we have every year. We are making plans for that and looking forward to it.
So here's my encouraging word for the to your children. Their love of books comes in really handy when you need them to sit still and quiet. Do you read to your children? What books do you enjoy? I am always interested in books suggested by others. Comment on your favorites. We'd love to check them out!
The Little House by Virginia Burton-a classic!