Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Birthday Costume Party- How Fun!

Here is the birthday boy, Zeky Brothers! I don't remember what he calls this costume, but it fit him well, and I didn't have to knit it for him. Ha! Inside joke....

There was Twister Game, A Brick House, two very Hippy Hipsters (they won best male and female costume), and let's see, what else?...

A Lilly of the Val. (has anybody out there seen the movie HiTops?) or a Polly Pocket or Fiesta or something, and an Indiana Jones (best boy costume), and .....
Us as Carl and Ellie Frederickson from the movie UP!, and don't forget little Russell sitting down, complete with the UP! house and balloons. There was also....

Alegra as Doug the dog from the movie UP!, and Russell again (he's just so cute!), and ....

Diella as a lion and Russell, and .....

Jamin and Celia as Kevin from the Office and a lion.

Here is Benaiah and Phil always getting their bonding time in. Benaiah just talked and talked to Phil. What fun we ALL had!

Shalom as Fancy Nancy.

Celia lion and Laura...uh...smiley makeup girl having some cake.

The pinata was great fun and nobody got hurt! Here, Alegra is taking her shot at breaking it open. She needed a little harder swing to bust that thing open.

After the busting and th bustling of children to gather their candy and glow toys.

Oh yes, can't forget Phil's costume- a whoopie cusion. He was now having his bonding time with Shalom. He just loves the little ones.

Out of costumes and relaxing while watching the wii playing going on. So much fun! Thanks Brothers for inviting us to your spectacular party fun!

1 comment:

  1. It sure was a GREAT time...
    I'm glad you guys are in our lives and able to share the special moments!!
    Love you guys!!
