Monday, March 1, 2010

A day at our house is always entertaining

Well, I just couldn't resist posting the funness that we experience when Benaiah takes a bath. Upper body pictures is all that I will take, but really, with this little guy, that's all that really needs to be seen. He LOVES baths!!!! And the floor gets a bath too. And we get wet feet, and sometimes wet if someone is sitting at the table. So, here is our picture collage of our cutie, Benaiah taking a bath.

See all that water everywhere? Yep, it's a mess and he doesn't have a care in the world.

Sometimes I try to get him to stop, but you know, with this kind of a face looking at me when he is sending water all across the kitchen, it is just really hard to make him stop.

Hope you enjoyed his bath time!

So, we still have snow here in Michigan. Yesterday Jonathon was able to give the children some excitement with the sled and tractor. What fun memories he is able to give our children. I can remember getting pulled by the tractor when I was a girl, down Adams Rd on an intertube. Such good memories!
Wood is hauled up to the house, the fire is nice and warm, and today the sun is shining brightly. What a great day! Jonathon will be home in a bit, library movies are due, and I am going to check on getting some Bettercream for some cakes I am making for the next Celebration coming up on March 12th. Have I mentioned how excited I am for this one? You can be sure there will be lots of pictures, if I have time to take some while I am running around being the planner that I am. = )
Well, I am being asked (over and over by a sweet little girl) if she can play webkinz, so I better go and give her her time. Then I am shipping them all outside to get some vitamin D for the day. Hooray for the sun!!!


  1. What adorable pictures of your youngest blessing! Bath time is FUN! :) Thank-you for sharing your family with us. I enjoying "peeking" in and seeing everyone. Have a blessed day!

  2. Who is Stampinhappy? We enjoy knowing who is peeking in and enjoying our life with us.

  3. LOL! Sorry.....I'm Jonathon's cousin. Angie. :) Now you know my secret online name.

    Have a wonderful day!
