Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friends and Fun at Delt Church Park

Delt Church Park in LaGrange, IN is such a great place to visit! Room to roam and things to climb makes this a wonderful pick for families of all ages. We certainly enjoyed it while spending some time with our church family enjoying the Sabbath Day of the first day of Unleavened Bread. It's such a blessing to fellowship together with those who also observe His days.

Benaiah sure enjoyed the swings. He looked like he was sleeping but really he was very relaxed sitting in the sun and swinging in the breeze. Many other little ones enjoyed the swings too. And Amalyah had fun pushing Naiah. She sure is cute! And of course, Benaiah is too!!!

Asleep or not? That was the question.
Just really relaxed!

Some of the ladies just watching the children busy at play. We had a beautiful day to fellowship and enjoy one of the first spring like days. Couldn't have been any nicer for us!

This playground has some very unique things. It really is a fun place to hang out for awhile.

Peek a boo! She did need help getting down, which is why I didn't get a smile, but I couldn't resist the picture before helping her get back to the ground. Love how her hair is blowing in the breeze. Truly thankful for all of the children that are part of our's and our children's lives.

Who is that masked man? From the other side of the playground, I looked through one of the openings to one of the slides and who did I see? This is zoomed in, but what a great picture reflecting the fellowship that he has with his brothers in the Lord. We are so blessed!

Alegra and Hope. These little seats gave the saying "sit and spin" a whole new meaning. Too bad I didn't get a picture of Vicki trying her hand at these.

Oh that sun was so bright but very lovely. Everybody enjoyd passing Benaiah around as usual. I don't think that boy is loved at all. :)

This contraption was very interesting and I did try it, both with the young lady in the above picture holding Benaiah and once with Jonathon. I much preferred it with Sarah, as Jonathon actually sent me flying off of it. Guess I needed a little more weight. Alegra wouldn't take our picture doing it because she said we were being too rough. If your feet on the step hit the tires, your feet bounce off of the step. A little scary, but really scary when you actually fly off more than an inch and your feet totally miss the step on your way back down. Okay, maybe I'm glad she didn't take our picture. I probably wouldn't have looked my best. :)
Time to gather them all up for a group picture!

After all the hard playing that the children did, it was time for a nap I guess. I think the adults were thinking that more than the children were. I think they were mocking us here. :)

We didn't quite get everybody in the picture, but the majority. I should have placed them a little better as you can't even see Alegra but that's okay. I was just glad to get such a nice picture with them all. And there is no picture taking without.......

a crazy picture. Oh the fun that we had. Even the adults got in on the fun of the playground. What a great place to spend some time as a family or with friends. We will certainly be visiting this park again!

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