Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Big Work Weekend for our Little Family

We spent the day on Friday at the farm working on odds and ends that needed finished up.  Well, not the whole day as there was a little garage saleing to do on the way, and Jonathon had a job in the morning.The main projects were to get the flooring finished on the main level and get the trim sanded and stained so it could be finished on Sunday.  We were busy bees with the girls staining and the boys finishing the floor.  So blessed to have our children learn how to help.   

And we had to leave in the afternoon because Josiah and I were going on a date.  He wanted to take me out, so I was sure to let him.  We went to Emma's Cafe in Emma town and then to Topeka library to watch their free showing of the Lorax.  Neither one of us had been to the Emma Cafe and we really enjoyed ourselves, although we didn't have time to have peach pie and ice cream.  He was quite disappointed by that, but we picked cookies to eat on the way to the movie.  

He is growing up and though he can be quite a challenge, we are learning how to direct his behaviour to being more favorable.  He is learning to work with his dad and how to treat his sisters.  That sure seems to be a hard thing for a brother to learn.  : )

Saturday evening, after our church gathering, we were back at the farm to work and spend the night to get up early to work more on Sunday.  I made a list of all the little things that needed done Saturday so we would be ready for certain jobs on Sunday.  Wow, did we get a lot done.  Touch up paint, some trim in the boy's room painted, trim stained, work on appliances to get them plugged in, carpet padding up, etc, etc.  Lots of little things that need done too, but don't always make the job look like progress is made. 

Sunday we woke up and started right in.  The finishing touches to painting trim on the main level and more touch up spots.  A cupboard was taken out since we bought a refrigerator that was too tall for the space.  Yes, laugh at us, even us young folk don't think of such things.  : )  So, the cupboard was taken out and the walls painted where the cupboard was.  Thanks to my dad for a short little visit and helping with that project.  Jonathon also got all the trim cut and nailed in place on the main level.  What an accomplishment for him!  I'm so proud of his abilities and what he can get done.  So, here are the pictures with floors done, trim done, and painting all finished on the main level.  Whew, huge jobs done.  The children and I also worked very hard at cleaning up the barn, but you don't get to see pics of that.  We were too busy moving and cleaning to take pictures.  Some things certainly get put to the side while others are being done.  It feels like we are running out of time before baby comes.  Good thing we don't plan on moving in before baby arrives.  I am looking forward to the break from work when I get to sit and hold a baby.  I've been blessing the Lord for the health He has given me this time around, but I'll tell ya, today my back was complaining after the barn cleaning.  Thankful I am able to work though!  

I am so thankful for how it is all turning out.  Much work, but the open concept fits our family so much more than smaller rooms.  I like to see my children from one room to the next.  : )  A few more little things to do on the main level and some bedrooms upstairs to get painted.  And then a back room to also get finished and we'll be ready for the carpeted areas to get done.  It's all coming together, and we are so blessed by it!

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