Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alegra's Photo Shoots

 Alegra loves to take pictures.  Most often there ends up being pictures on the camera that I never knew were there of pictures she's taken.  She's not a bad photographer though, so I like to let her experiment and see what she can come up with.  She started out taking pictures of Saphira, but she was uncooperative, so she moved on to Benaiah.  I should have told her that all good photographers makes sure that the person getting their picture taken doesn't have a messy face or runny nose.  So, since she wasn't informed of that, her subject had a not so lovely face.  Thankfully, all colds are out of the house now, except for the after coughs for the papa.  Here are Alegra's photos of Benaiah.  They worked together at picking props and background colors and poses.  It's funny what children come up with. 

He needs to work on his photo smile.

And our little gem, Saphira is 1 month old!  She is growing so much and though I'm not a big fan of the baby stage, I am seeing that she is growing and changing way too fast.  But, bring on the smiles, the coos, the excitement when she sees me walk in the room.  I love that phase! 

Diella is little miss momma.  She's a great helper as all the children are, but she especially seems to be more attentive to Saphira's needs.  It sure helps having good helpers around here.

We are nearing move in day to the farm and are in the middle of celebrating the Feasts of the Lord that the Scriptures talk about.  This is a joyous time of year!  We celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles this week and rejoice before the Lord for a week!  Can't get better than that!  Hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather and enjoying the beauty of the change of colors all around us.

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