Friday, September 7, 2012

Pictures of Saphira's Birth

Our little Saphira Grace is over a week old now.  My how the time goes by so fast.  It seems just yesterday that we were experiencing the birth of our dreams.  They say you forget all those pains quickly, but I truly think I will remember every single one.  Each one was taking place how and where I wanted it to.  I viewed each one as getting us closer to holding our new little blessing not as a pain that was so strong I couldn't handle it.

This blog is to share with all of our readers.  If you have ever wondered how a home birth goes, this might help you see how our's went.  If you wondered how in the world we could be outside for such an event, well, this shows you the blessing it was to be under the starry, moon lit sky.  I am thankful for my previous, positive hospital experiences, but I bless the Lord for showing us favor in giving us this absolutely beautiful home birth as we have longed for for awhile.  If you don't care to see the details of our home birth, you might just want to skip this post.  The video includes most all of our pictures.  Some pictures have been cropped for my own comfortableness : ), but you still get the general idea of the blessing that took place the evening of Saphira's birth. 

If you want the details to read, you can go here to read that post and see a few pictures.  That post explains how the events took place in word and of the blessing that her name is to us.  Make sure you check that post out as well.  Thank you for joining us in this journey.  We'd love to hear if this blesses you!  It certainly has blessed us, if you hadn't gotten that message by now.  : )

As a side note, the song that the video is playing is a song that we wrote for a close friend when she and her husband had their second child.  The song has since blessed others' hearts, and now it's blessing us in a new way too.  I hope you enjoy it and the experience of the birth of Saphira Grace Bovee.

Thank you to my mom and Wild Rose Photography for capturing this life event for us!


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL is the best word i can think of!!! Praise GOD for this wonderful experience... And Thanks so much for sharing! Very touching!!!!

  2. What a miracle birth is!!! HE will never cease to amaze me in His love and mercy!
    Love you guys and congratulations!

  3. That was so beautiful. I love reading all your blogs and posts...You have a great family and a wonderful.Mother. You inspire me

  4. Absolutely Beautiful Bovee Family !
