For those of you keeping up with our vacation, sorry for such slow posts. Life seems to be full right now.....full of blessings, but they sure keep us from being lazy.
We finished out our trip staying with some friends in Tennessee and attending a United In Worship conference. The first night the men took some of the older children while we ladies stayed behind since it was to be so cold. We were also able to serve our friend who was having back issues while we were there. Always glad to lend a hand when others are down. The next day we all got up and headed to the fair grounds to attend the conference all day. What a blessed time! There were children's activities, many worship groups leading worship, and speakers talking about being united as a body in Christ and worshipping HIM. The things that stuck out to me the most were the teachings on how Yeshua is the only true Rabbi. And how the generations coming up seem to be ones who don't want all the bickering over beliefs but just want to serve and worship in unity. Jonathon has said it before, the body of Christ goes so beyond what we see in our homes, families, churches, and even communities. It's all over the world. What will that day look like when we are ALL falling before HIM or raising our hands in worship to the One and Only Creator of the universe. Was so neat to see people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and understandings come before Him to sing and dance.
Such a blessing to sing in adoration to my God, but I also enjoyed the dance. It's been awhile since I've danced before Him. This time it was an extra blessing to have Alegra join me. She followed right along and when I decided I was to step out, she kept going as she felt led. What a joy to watch her!
Oh how we enjoyed the music. We also enjoyed visiting with some of the musicians and hear their stories of how the Father has led them in their relatioinships. What amazing examples of His direction and their obedience. We left on a Sunday afternoon and felt refreshed from hearing so many speak of Jesus (Yeshua) and all that He has done for them! He is the reason we can have salvation and He is the reason we worship!
That evening we enjoyed some girl time. We ladies went out on the town. : ) We went to the car wash and to get some ice cream to take back to everyone to go with brownies. It's amazing how the smallest amount of time for just us ladies to hang out, is rejuvenating. The guys had everything under control when we got back and we all enjoyed one last evening of vacation as we were to head home the next morning. Great friends, food, fellowship, and fun!
Monday morning we got up and headed north! Our plan was to get to Indianapolis by supper time, so we could eat with Phil's mom. We were on schedule and moving right along until..... we noticed that the van was not just dripping a fluid but it was running out. We made a few stops to see if places could look at it because it needed fixed before we could go any farther. Bless Yahweh that He had us in a town that had several mechanics. We all prayed that He would lead us to where we needed to be to get it fixed. Finally, we arrived at a place at 4:00 that could do what we needed. They closed at 5:00 and the guy who was going to work on it made sure we knew that he was leaving at 5. So, we prayed for him that he could figure out the problem and have it fixed all before closing time. The guys took a short walk with the children while Casie and I sat in the office with Saphira. We had a lovely visit with the worker in the office and hopefully we were a light to him. Everyone seemed very easy going with the bump in the road. It was so nice that the children weren't upset or worried or causing problems while the men figured out what we should do. What a blessing our children are!
The van was fixed right on time, and we were back on the road. We tried to give out our Almond Joy candy bars, but he must have thought we needed them more. Headed for Indy now and just a tad behind schedule. We don't know why we had van issues, but we know that it happened for a reason. Maybe we were to be of encouragement to one of the workers. Maybe they just needed to see our families and how we work without chaos taking place. I am just thankful that it wasn't a difficult time. We made it to Dave and Busters for supper with Grandma Tracy and had a good time playing games, eating, and announcing Phil and Casie announcing that baby #5 is coming. Grandma Tracy loves her grandchildren!
We finally arrived back to the Bovee Farmstead late that night. All were tired, and we all went right to bed. The next morning the guys got the van cleaned out and returned and our traveling buddies headed home. What a wonderful trip! Sorry I didn't get any pictures at the mechanics. They kept saying this would be great to blog about, but I had a baby that needed to eat and I just didn't get any pictures taken after we left the worship conference. Sorry for leaving you all out of that part. : )
So, our last day was filled with much prayer for the Father's hand to guide us and lead us. We are thankful that He did. It seems that we have been in prayer about much lately and are so quick to take things to the Lord in prayer. Sometimes we offer up a prayer right on the spot and sometimes it's not until later, but He hears us. Big prayers have been answered, little prayers have been answered and we bless Him for that because it's not us. It's Him showing us and those around us favor. What a wonderful God we serve!
Thanks for joining us on our 2013 Vacation. We have plans to travel with my parents next winter, but not for sure of the plans. Until then, not sure we have any other trips to take. For now we'll stay busy getting our garden going and enjoying the creation this summer close to home. Oh, and if you haven't taken advantage of showing a random act of kindness for someone you know by signing them up for the massage giveaway we are doing, you really should do it! Check out the blog post before this one for details. You only have til May 17th....our 16th wedding anniversary! Blessing Yahweh for giving us so many years together!
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