Thursday, October 3, 2013

Produce Cart 2013

We had such a great summer!  The children have wanted for quite some time to set up a stand and sell produce.  Well, this year we finally grew enough in our garden to actually let them do that.  We included some baked goods and some jams.  The girls also made necklaces and bracelets that were a big hit as well.  For a first time, they did really well selling, and made a nice amount that we are hoping to put towards blueberry bushes.  Don't worry, they got paid too for their work,and had some yummy ice cream treats as a reward for their hard work.

I hope you enjoy some of the snapshots I got of them.  Thank you to all who came by and supported them. They greatly appreciated all the business they got!  

Will they be out there again next year?  I hope so!  They learned so much and the regulars seemed to really enjoy not only the produce but seeing the children every week too. 

 Reading a book to pass the time.

 The cinnamon rolls were the biggest hit of all.

 We didn't sell these elderberries, but we all went picking one evening and got enough to can several jelly jars of sick syrup for this winter. And we canned pears for the first time too from my parent's trees.  They turned out so good!

 This wasn't as dangerous as what it looks.  He didn't crash and had a ball doing it "all by my myself".
 I picked cantaloupe and sat her in there with them.  She found one that was a touch too soft.  She poked a hole in it and kept licking her finger.  That was the tastiest wagon ride she had. : )

 My scrunchy faced smiler.  

Loved seeing all the color displayed on the cart.  

I'll try to post next summer when we open again.  You won't want to miss out on fresh, organic produce from the Bovee children.  It's a treat you'll want to come back for more of.  : )

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