Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Anniversary #17
We celebrated our 17th anniversary this past week. What a joy to know we've stuck out so many rough things and will have more rough things that we get to endure together. Yes, that's a joy in our lives. Knowing that we have each other through thick and thin makes everything easier. Knowing that our heavenly Father is with us through all of it is even better!
We are so thankful for all of his blessings on our life the past 17 years. When we first got married, we discussed where we'd like to be in life in the next 5, 10, 15 years. I don't think either one of us pictured where we are now. But that's okay, because rather like where we are better than our other plans anyways.
We celebrated our anniversary with a date with Christi's parents. We went to the movie Mom's Night Out and then to Hacienda. The movie provided some laughs and some tears, and the food was good too. Sometimes we just need to break from the house and go have adult time. For married couples isn't it just so hard to find that time away to regroup with one another and stay connected with each other without children's voices interrupting? It's necessary for us, so I'm so thankful for the moments when we're able to do that.
Here's to another year of marriage and working together at reaching some goals we have set for our family!
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