Monday, June 9, 2014

Full Weekend!

 This weekend was sooo busy!  We had a slumber party on Thursday for Alegra, a get together with a house full of friends on Friday evening, a bridal shower and a wedding and 2 receptions on Saturday, and a Shavuot celebration all day Sunday.  Whew!  We are ready to chill this week.  :)

First, slumber party fun!

Our family chooses to observe the Feasts of the Lord that are talked about in the Scriptures. Yesterday was Shavuot, so we had a wonderful day celebrating with friends from all over Indiana and Michigan.  Not sure how many people ended up being there, but it was a huge gathering of people just wanting to celebrate together.  We met some new families and visited with families we don't get to see often enough.  What a lovely day/evening we all had.  Worship was good, all of the sharing was great, and the extra fun at night is always such a treat!

 There was so much food.  There was so much enjoyable conversation.  There were so many new friendships made.  So much fun!!!!  Night time sky lantern fun!

Photo courtesy of Rachel Rossman
Fireworks ended the evening with a bang!  A beautiful display of light over the house that hosts so many people from all over.  We rejoice in families coming together to celebrate.  They don't all believe exactly the same, but can still worship and celebrate together.  What a joy!

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