Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lonidaw Nature Preserve- Walk Thru Summer- 2015

We started our summer walking program with my mom and her sister, Aunt Betty Jo, joining us.  What a great day to get out, get sunshine, air, and some movement in and start our Walk Thru Summer program.  Since we wanted to attend a bird program at the Kendallville Public Library, it was on the way to stop at this nature preserve before heading to the library.  Lonidaw Nature Preserve is a great place to hike with some hills and some flat ground.  You can check out the link to see what the characteristics of this preserve are.  We've hiked here before, so I knew it would be a nice little trek to squeeze in to get some movement in our day.  

I apologize that most of the pictures are of Saphira.  Wait, why am I apologizing?  She's perfect picture material.  :)  My camera ran out of batteries with the first picture Josiah tried to take, so we are using all of Alegra's photos and she does enjoy taking pictures of her littlest sister.  

A short hike with a little bit of hilly terrain makes this trail perfect for pumping the heart while enjoying nature and all the flowers that this woods holds.    

 At the top of one of the hills and this mama was tired.  :)

It took us close to an hour to complete the trail.  It may not have been a long hike, but it was a good one to start our program on.  Besides, any bit of walking and movement is good for the body and God's creation is good for the soul.  Get out and walk in the woods!  We are hoping that we will have other families join us throughout the summer.  Let us know if you want to join our hikes one of these days!

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