A week ago I was wandering around the house and garden, trying to pass time and get contractions going. Here's the story of Hadassah Faith's labor and birth for all who have been waiting. :)
My husband so kindly harvested a bunch of things out of the garden for me when I was really done canning and freezing to store up for winter. So, here, on September 14th, we had a porch full of pumpkins that I didn't want to go to waste. After I had Jonathon cut them all up for me, I set out boiling, pureeing, and bagging up pumpkin for the freezer. Contractions felt a little deeper all day long, but nothing that was causing me to think I was in labor. Besides, our good friends who were due 6 days before us had had their baby just after noon, and you can believe I knew if I didn't get to see their new little girl that night, I would probably be missing out til I recovered after our baby was born. So, after spending the day in the kitchen, getting 13 bags full of pumpkin puree in the freezer, me cleaned up, and a pumpkin, carrot, pineapple cake that Diella baked, frosted and ready to go with us, we headed out the door at 7:30pm to drive to Elkhart to get our visit in. We stayed for a couple hours and headed home. All went right to bed when we got home and about an hour later, right after I had fallen asleep, my water broke. "Jonathon, my water just broke", I said without moving so as not to make a bigger mess in our bed than I had already made. He jumped out of bed so fast, half asleep, and tried to follow my instructions with a groggy mind. After repeating my instructions to the half asleep husband, I finally made it to the bathroom, got cleaned up while he remade the bed, text the midwives, and headed back to bed to wait and sleep.
Morning came and nothing was happening. Why hadn't contractions started for me yet. The clock is ticking since my water broke. I took it easy, a midwife came and checked on me to make sure baby was fine and all seemed okay. I needed to get around and walk while Jonathon and the children worked at filling up the birth pool and gathering the last of the supplies to have baby at home. Saphira and I went out to the garden and cut a bunch of flowers. She pushed her little wheel barrow and gathered the flowers from me as I cut them. We walked around the garden cutting and then I walked around the barns to gather some more and just keep moving in the beautiful weather outside. The others played ball in the front yard and didn't have a care in the world. :)
Back in the house I put together 4 quart jars of flowers to place around the birthing area. They were filled with zinnias of various colors, sunflowers, queen annes lace, and black eyed susans. I placed them on the mantel and then realized that contractions were starting to come. Finally! I had called my mom to come take the children to get ice cream in at Stroh just to give us some quiet. Contractions were picking up but still not as consistent or strong as I wanted them to be. We finished filling the pool, went outside and shooed a chicken back into the coop, walked around barefoot on the grass in the backyard, pet Rufus the dog, and went back inside to walk back and forth through the house. Mom came back with children, and we decided to go upstairs for quiet and try a natural inducing method. It worked great and contractions changed in their pain level. Back downstairs we went, and I walked through the house trying to keep them going. Midwives were called as the contractions were getting harder.
Finally the pain was enough that I thought it was time to get in the pool. All the children were present and shared in the preparation and waiting until the 2 younger ones couldn't stay awake any longer.
I watched the clock to see if things would progress like when Saphira was born. She was born at 11:11pm. That time came and went on the clock. Then I watched to see if baby would be born the same time as our friend's baby only different time of day. I kept watching the clock for specific times and those times came and went. Finally I gave up and just said that this is taking too long, and it's time to be done. A few changes of position in the pool and the real deal started happening. A few things that I did during contractions to help keep things going and make it a little easier were relaxed my forehead, asked for a visual of how open I am to get, then used my hands to open up during each contraction, picturing my body doing that, breathed deep, kept a cold wash cloth close by and then eventually turned a fan on to keep cool enough, had Jonathon push on my hips during contractions to help relieve the pressure, talk through how I was feeling in between contractions, slept in between contractions, and enjoyed the sounds of life around me.
Time for baby to be birthed..... and she was at 1:59am on September 16th, 25 hours after my water broke.
Six minutes of pushing and our little girl was born.
She didn't start breathing right away, so it took some good rub downs by the midwives and some out loud prayers from her mom, and then she started crying. Just shows she'll do what she can to get a good massage. :)
I always give thanks out loud to the Father for another beautiful child. It's something that I just can't help but do when the birthing process is over. Felt such a feeling of thankfulness for this little child. Maybe it's because she was a total surprise to us as we were quite content with our 5 children. Maybe it's because new life is such a miracle. Maybe it's because I know in my heart that this child is going to be a huge blessing to those in her life in some way. Whatever the case, my heart is beyond thankful for this new addition in our family.
Then the midwife said, "Does this baby have a name?" Jonathon responded with, "Nope, we'll have to think about it." Chord was cut, baby was weighed (8 pounds and 4 ounces), baby was measured (20 3/4 inches) and all checked over just fine.
A perfect little bundle!
Everyone headed home and children went off to bed. Jonathon wanted to get the pool cleaned out before children got up and thought they should play in it first thing in the morning. While he emptied it bucket by bucket, I sat on the futon and nursed our new baby. He kept the patio door open while he hauled buckets of water and we enjoyed the sound of an owl in the tree just outside the door. What a lovely sound of nature to be greeted with as Jonathon cleaned out the pool and we wrapped up the night that God chose to be our birthing night. By 5:00am we were headed to bed, ready to sleep, and so thankful it was all over with resulting in a healthy baby.
1 day old
Now for the naming of this child. I had liked Eliza. I kept mentioning it to Jonathon who never said too much about the name. We went over so many names and their meanings but just couldn't settle on one that really felt right. I sat down with a biblical names and meanings book and went through several of the letters, but couldn't find anything that really stuck out to me. Then I thought about Queen Esther from the Bible and tried to remember what her name was in Hebrew. I had looked it up in the earlier part of the pregnancy. I remembered it meant Myrtle Tree, but couldn't remember what the name actually was.
We ended up settling on Eliza after tossing back and forth whether it should start with an "A" or "E". We decided upon the "E", then took a vote with the children on the middle name. What? Why am I taking a vote for the naming of my child? It all felt so wrong, and Jonathon and I neither one felt like it was what the name really was supposed to be. After getting an equal vote on the middle names, we just sat there wondering what her name really was supposed to be. I would look at her and try to see who she was, and I just couldn't see any name covering her.
Jonathon was looking at names on his phone. Out of the blue he said, "Hadassah". "YES!", I replied. That is the name I was trying to think of in the morning. He went on to say that it means Myrtle Tree which isn't a grand meaning. But when I read about it earlier in the pregnancy, the myrtle flower is one of the most fragrant flowers. That's pretty great! As Jonathon continued to look into the myrtle tree, he found some Scriptures that talk about it. He began reading Isaiah 55 out loud to all of us. It talks of the blessing that certain things represent and a myrtle tree represents blessing. More of that portion of Scripture really stuck out to us, but the chapter as a whole is really quite fitting for this child. As he read it I couldn't help but look at her and cry as I knew I was now looking at our Hadassah. And as Hadassah (Queen Esther) had so much faith to stand up to the king to save her people, the jews, so we desire that our Hadassah will have that same bold faith to walk in a way that HE is calling her to walk in. And her name was given to her with tears in both of her parents eyes as we knew that HE has given her this name,
Hadassah Faith Bovee
4 days old
She is doing great and is almost a week old now. She is sleeping good, eating good, and of course, pooping quite well. :) Her siblings love her dearly and her parents are amazed that we once again have a baby in the house. I do believe my body is feeling older with this child, but I know that Yahweh will give me the strength I need to fully recover and feel normal again. He must have thought I could handle all this again because here we go again. I did pray that this baby would be a good sleeper so I wouldn't be lacking too much in sleep. So far, the Father has showed us favor on that request. He is soo good. Even in those little things that we specifically ask for. Now I have a baby who needs to nurse.
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