Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dorsett Get Together 2015

On our wedding day, the videographer, who was a teacher from the high school we went to, commented on how he'd never been to a wedding that was noisey with people visiting before the wedding started.  That's how our marriage started, with everyone we knew and loved visiting with one another from row to row and between family and friends.  Since we've had the honor of moving to the farm, we have really enjoyed hosting gatherings with family and friends.  On Sunday we hosted some of Jonathon's family from his mom's side.  It wasn't an overly large group, but it caused the house to hum with voices that were happy to see one another and catching up on each other's lives.  I caught myself sitting on the floor eating and smiling as I heard that same hum that I remember hearing in the church before I came down the isle.  What a delight to have older folks and little children interacting with one another and enjoying this life we've been given.  

After eating and visiting, Jonathon took those who wanted to endure the chilly temps out for a hay ride.  We'd borrowed the wagon for the night before with friends, but since we still had it, I suggested some might enjoy that at our family gathering too. It was a hit!

 Linda and Saphira, Miranda and Josiah

 Ron, Linda, Christi, and Aunt Carolyn

 Tom, Uncle John, Aunt Judi holding Hadassah, Kelly, and Alyssa

 Kyle, Alyssa's boy

 Deanna who is a good friend of the family's little girl.  We are so glad they join us every year!

Josiah, Ron, Linda, and Diella

 Josiah, Benaiah, Ron, Linda, Diella, and Saphira

 Kelly, Aunt Carolyn, Aunt Carolyn's daughter, Aunt Judi.  In the background Miranda, Cheri, Jeff, Cassy, holding Corbyn, CJ's little guy, and CJ

 Cassy holding Corbyn, and CJ

 Aunt Judi taking a pic of Kelly and Alyssa

 Linda and Hadassah

 Kelly and Corbyn

Me and Hadassah

The crazies on the hayride.  :)

Thank you Aunt Judi for some of the pics to make this post more complete with pictures. We enjoyed having everyone.  Thank you for coming and making the day so special!  Until next year....  :) 

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