Saturday, December 5, 2015

Some Activities to end our Summer 2015

It's harder to keep up with blogging around here with the added baby.  Finally feeling like I'm getting into the swing of things again, but it sure has felt slower going this time around.  I wanted to catch up on some summer fun that I didn't get around to doing because we were preparing for baby.  Not much exciting but charted memories for my children to look back on.  You just might enjoy it too.  :)

I was so afraid that I wouldn't have much energy to get canning done.  It seemed as though our shelves were pretty bare by the end of the summer.  Thankfully, one day at a time, I was able to get produce from the garden harvested and canned as it ripened.  We also went and picked some other produce to can that we were in need of too.  Peaches are always on the list of needing done.  We love peaches in this house!  Thanks to my momma for the help she gave us at getting stuff done too.  It is always nice to have the extra adult hands.

This summer the girls also got their book back that they wrote.  It is a story about my dad when he was a boy.  It was so much fun putting it all together.  They are selling these as a fund raiser.  What a great thing for them to have as a keepsake as well.

This fall the girls wanted to try their hand at hunting.  Grandpa Dan takes it seriously and decided to build a for real blind back in the woods of our friend's.  The three men worked hard and had some little hands helping when they could too.  They hunted a few times, but it didn't work out for them to get anything.  Maybe next year they can try again and have more success.

 We sure don't have a problem finding things to do to keep us busy.  :)

Right now the children have been going to the neighbor's farm to learn about caring for the cows.  The girls are learning how to feed the calves, so they can step in and help with that job.  The boys are learning all sorts of stuff.  Today we had some sick ones, so we got out baby books and looked through and now Jonathon is setting up the old projecter to watch old, old family films.  I think I'll feed a baby and go take a bath.  :)

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