Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fall Days-Excursions Away

This school year I decided to approach the year differently than I have in the past.  I was tired of the children being bummed about school every day.  I was tired of the lack of motivation with my children to do their school.  This year I decided to try and squeeze in more field trips and outside time of learning.  I don't believe that all they learn should be learned from a book.  Actually I think the opposite is a much better way to learn and since my children have differently learning styles, I need to incorporate that in our every day schooling.  

With the weather being so incredible, we've taken advantage of the outdoors by visiting Pokagon State Park with friends.  We've recently restored a relationship with another family that we used to be close to.  After a bit of time apart from situations and moves, we've sparked the friendship back up and our children are loving it!  We decided to meet for nature hikes and active play once a month this school year.  We'll see how the winter months go.  Pokagon is a great meeting place for us, and the children love having their friends to hang out with that they don't get to see very often.  

Last week was so gorgeous on the day we decided to meet up that Alegra took her camera along for some pictures if the moments were suitable and they sure were.  With Hadassah finally deciding to walk, I wanted Alegra to capture some of her walking to document that stage in her life.   

 Diella found a quiet spot on the playground for a good reading nook.

 Practicing his tree climbing skills.  He's getting pretty good.
 And then our friends arrive and there's lots of football, chit chat, running, climbing, and enjoyment for both the children and us moms.

 It was a beautiful day to find leaves of all colors, shapes, and sizes.

 These boys are like brothers with the same interests and could talk more than the girls when together.

The trails were beautiful and crisp.

 I loved the colors and glow that Alegra captured.

 Fun with a girls' photo shoot.  They took off and did some photography of themselves.  Such a great time!

One of the fun activities that we always look forward to in the fall is the Old Fort Cluster Dog Show.  Usually Jonathon gets to join us, but he has been swamped with work, so it was just me and kiddos.  We always enjoy seeing the different breeds, guessing what kinds they are, and trying to guess which dog will win and watching to see who places.  We didn't stay as long as usual with other plans in the evening that we needed to get home to, but we were each able to see some dogs that we wanted to, so that was great!
 The mastiffs always catch our attention.

 Benaiah found this lady to be quite friendly.  We all let him spend some time with that dog while she talked his ear off.  He was polite to her and smiled and listened.

 Saphi thought the chows looked like lions.  There were some pretty furry ones this year.

 The two little girls loved watching all the dogs.

 Then akitas.  What can I say.  They are just so pretty!  I have always loved akitas. And then a lady came out with a puppy.  You'll see that cutie after these big beasts.....

 This lady had just showed this St. Bernard who was only 20 months old.  He was just a big bundle of lovins.
 Most people there to show are really busy grooming their animals and getting ready for shows or taking care of their dogs, so very few people take the time to talk with us.  This lady was exceptional at giving my children attention and letting them learn a little too.
 That was great being at the end of our stay, and then this little akita came out and my heart melted.  My heart first melted when I watched the adults in the show ring, but looks at this little guy.  He is just too much cuteness.  
We had some winter clothes to get for children before we left Ft. Wayne and then we headed home for an evening of fun with friends.  Rushed home, cleaned up house and arranged for a night of fellowship, took the children to some friend's house, then welcomed guests for a Hillbilly Chili.  We don't allow dull moments to set in too much around here.  :)

I hope you are all enjoying this amazing weather.  Looks like tomorrow is going to be another great day of warm and sun.  Looks like we'll be in the garden and hopefully get some school book work done too.  And of course there's piano lessons and our every day life chores....Life goes on.

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