Well, we have had a CRAZY last couple of days. On Sunday, I woke up with pain in my left leg and by the evening it was swollen and a little discolored. I took it easy and thought that my hips were out of place, which they were, or that it was because of the way the baby was laying. Well, on Thursday the midwife said that I needed to go get it checked out and right away.
So, we headed to Sturgis Hospital to the ER in the evening. Once there, after doing an ultrasound of my leg, they discovered that it was a blood clot. They took me then to Kalamazoo to Bronson Hospital as they aren't able to care for such a thing as this. The clot, they thought, ran from my knee to my groin area. Major problem and more difficult to treat since I am pregnant.
After seeing the high risk doctor and him consulting with some other types of doctors, they decided to do an MRI to make sure of really how big this clot is. So we did that yesterday afternoon. We were in our room for about 30 minutes when the high risk doctor came in and said that this is not good. The clot didn't stop at my groin. It actually runs up to my belly button area, which is a huge concern since it is so close to the heart. They immediately sent me down to get a filter put in my vein in case a piece breaks off it won't go to my heart and kill me. But I really wasn't expecting such a huge ordeal. After surgery, all went well and I believe the doctors feel a little better knowing that my heart is protected.
So, what about this clot....well, there isn't anything they can do for it since I am pregnant. So, they have me going on some medicine to get it to stick where it is and not continue growing. We are hoping that they will send me home after they get that medication regulated and then I will have to give myself shots twice day at home to continue the meds. The home birth idea is out the window now as they have to monitor me to mak sure that I don't bleed to death with taking this medication. So many factors involved with all this. After the delivery, then they will deal with the clot and remove the filter that is in my body.
All of this seems so unreal but hear I sit. I know that if I didn't have the Lord's hands upon me, I would and really should be dead with as big of a clot as this is (the doctor said it is the 2nd largest that he has ever seen). Why has the Lord spared me? I do not know but I believe He has big plans either for me or those that this situation is really challenging. He has been faithful to us because of our faithfullness to Him.
This journey isn't over with. I still have a baby to delivery and this clot needs to be gone. We have three more weeks until baby is due, so another month and half or so of dealing with stuff and Lord willing we will be free and clear. Keep me in your prayers that the clot won't break up and go elsewhere. I am still having some pain and swelling in my leg- pray that that all goes away and the circulation to my leg will resume as normal. Pray that the filter won't cause kidney damage as that was one of the "could possibly happen" things that the doctor had to let us know of. Pray that baby continues to stay safe and healthy. So far, he/she is going strong and not showing any signs of stress after all the tests and procedures his/her mom has gone through.
We bless the Lord for His protection and His hands upon us. He is so wonderful to have shown us mercy with all the scenarios that should have easily caused the clot to have broken up. He spared me! It's humbling to think that I should be dead and for some reason, I'm not. Scary thought but very true! And even after I go home, I will still be on bed rest, so I bless Him for all the great friends and family that we have who have already stepped up and are helping us. What a blessing from the Lord to have these people in our lives to help us through this. We love you all!!!!!
Oh Christi, just reading that makes me tear up, I can't imagine how typing it all out makes you feel. As we worshiped tonight at gathering, I think many of our thoughts were on these same things. How great and mighty and awesome is the God we serve, that he shows us favor! We all love you very much, and are so thankful that The Father has blessed us with you as part of our lives!
ReplyDeleteYour a miracle. You are in our hearts, our prayers, our thoughts....constantly. We love you more than words can express, sis. Hang in there! It will all soon be a distant memory. You'll soon be dancing again with a sweet baby on your hip.