Monday, May 4, 2009

Hospital update

I am back on the IV drip as they can do a better job at keeping my levels where they should be with the IV as opposed to the injections. They started me on the number of units (1800) that I was on when they took me off of the IV last week. I was therapeutic last week at that many units, but this time it is too much. So, they bumped it down to 1600. I had another nose bleed (not quite as bad as the last one) and we started wondering if that clot has just gotten a lot smaller and my body doesn't need so much medication to work at it. And after lab work, they found that still 1600 was too much. Now I am at 1450 and lab will draw here shortly to see if that is still too high. The only explanation is that the clot is smaller and I just don't need as much medication. Praise Yah if this is truly the case.

Right now our specific prayer requests are that:
- Baby will not wait until the full 40 weeks. A little earlier would be just fine with us.
- The blood clot will be completely gone when they do the tests after baby comes to see how the clot is doing.
- The blood tests after baby comes will show that it is not a genetic thing. If it is genetic they would suggest medication for life. Something I am not at all comfortable with.
- Labor and delivery will be in His timing, will progress at a decent rate and will be as much of a beautiful birth as we had anticipated having at home with no complications due to the clot or anything else.
- What little Jonathon is able to work, would be productive and helpful for us financially.

Prayers already that have been answered:
- The swelling in my leg is gone! It is still a little uncomfortable but doesn't have the pain in it either. If I am up too long on it, it will still get a little discolored, but that is minor when they thought that it could be permanently damaged with always having pain and swelling in it. Praise Yah!
- They are going to allow me to go into labor on my own without inducing. I was not at peace at all about being induced as I feel I have plenty of medication already in my system. I don't need anymore. So this is a huge relief! Praise Yah!
- The levels are proving that I don't need as much medication, so they are slowly backing down on the Heparin. I am very happy with having less and less everyday. Bless His name!
- The children seem to be adjusting well wherever they end up. As a mom, this makes the stay a little easier. Not that it still isn't hard being away for so long and knowing that it could still be another 3 weeks by the time the baby comes and they have everything taken care of with the clot afterwards. But it does help that they are being cared for so well!
- Some have asked us about insurance for this terrible stay...well, the second day we were here, a lady contacted us about getting financial help with this whopper of a bill ( I can only imagine), and she helped us get paper work taken care of so that it would be completely covered. This is a HUGE blessing, especially for Jonathon as it really weighed on his mind. Yahweh does take care of those who trust in Him and believe that He will provide our every need. Praise Him!

So, that is the update thus far. We really can't express our gratitude enough for all that everybody has done for us! Our church family has been such a huge blessing in taking care of things at the house and tending to our children. What a blessing! We are always saying that we are all like family and would do anything for one another, but actually serving and doing is far different than just saying the words. They are proving to be servants and are taking care of us that's for sure. And we appreciate our parents as well who are helping take care of the children and helping me get baby things ready while I am stuck here in the hospital. I was anticipating having the extra 2-3 weeks to get baby stuff around, but those plans got messed up.

I continue to rest in His hands as He guides and provides for us. He is the Great Physician, Healer, and Saviour! He is all of those to me in a different way now. Praise Him for His mercy towards me!

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