Monday, July 12, 2010

Camping Trip West Virginia 2010- Day 5

Day 5. We woke and began packing up camp. One thing that we were so thankful for was the perfect weather that we had. It's awful when you have to pack up camp when everything is all wet. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend, as far as the weather goes.
Jonathon was walking through some weeds right by our camp and found this little lizard as our farewell friend.
He had some amazing neon orange spots on his back and some of us just enjoyed him for a bit before letting him go.

One more potty stop then we were off, heading for home. With a van running good, happy traveling children, a beautiful day, and home awaiting our arrival, we blessed the Lord for all that He had done over the weekend. Too many things to mention, but it definitely wasn't a weekend within our control. From the good to the sad, He was in control of it all and I bless Him for using us as His tool of blessing. I pray that our lives are always willing to bless when we are needed no matter the situation.

And even though we had a rough start with the van, we hit 200,000 miles on our way home. Whew, no wonder she wanted a little break in Bridgeville. : )